Early Childhood Programs
Seedlings: 3 - 5 Year Olds
Students and teachers explore the ever changing seasons at Genesee Valley while building new relationships, learning cognitive skills, and simply being a kid that will go home dirty!
25’-26’ School Year:
5 Days: Monday - Friday, 9:00-1:00 = $8,640.00
3 Days: Tuesday - Thursday, 9:00-1:00 = $5,500.00
Aftercare 1:30-3:30
Monday-Thursday: $320/month
Tuesday - Thursday: $245/month
No aftercare on Friday, pick up 1:30
At the time of enrollment, families pay a deposit of $750 which will go towards tuition payments. Monthly payment plans are encouraged or 1 full payment.
NOTE: Credit Cards add 3% service fees, Debit cards DO NOT add service fees.
Monday - Friday
8:45-9:00 Arrival
9:30 - 12:30 Snack, Lesson Exploration & Nature Play
12:30-1:00 Lunch (not provided by GV)
1:00-1:30 Pick up
1:30-3:30 After Care (Monday - Thursday only)
ALL outdoor, nature, weather immersion learning experience
Place Based Education (Genesee Valley)
Teacher developed lesson based on seasons and emergent curriculum
Interest-led/ child driven learning surrounding the seasons
Student based exploration
Student to teacher ratio 6:1
Exposure to moderate risk (outdoor play, elemental based)
Suitable clothing for outdoor adventures and exploration
Caregiver and child nature program from 10:00-11:30! This program is designed for families who want to be outside, get a little dirty and make connections with others! Each program will vary from hiking, exploring, jumping in puddles to examining the wonders of nature. Birth - 3 years old
Little Roots: Caregiver + Child
Spring Series: April & May
Tuesdays in April - 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6 ($75)
Thursday in April - 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1 ($60)
Monday in May - 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2 (no class 5/26, $60)
Wednesday in May - 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 ($60)
10:00 arrival, invitational activity, welcome songs
10:15 - 11:15 exploration, hiking based activities led by Genesee Valley Staff
11:30 wrap up song and goodbye!
ALL outdoor, nature, weather immersion learning experience
Place Based Education (Genesee Valley)
Teacher developed lesson based on seasons and emergent curriculum
Interest-led/ child driven learning surrounding the seasons
Student based exploration
Exposure to moderate risk (outdoor play, elemental based)
Suitable clothing for outdoor adventures and exploration
“The greatest classroom is roofed by the sky”
The Seedling Program was created to promote enriching experiences for your child to foster positive social-emotional skills, be challenged academically, grow physically, and learn to be ambassadors for nature to their communities and the world at large.
Philosophy: Our program exists to develop children who think critically, explore the outdoors, and find creative solutions to problems. Teachers will encourage students to manifest empathy for both humans and non-human animals, all the while furthering their understanding of the world around them by immersing them in the natural world.
Our Values
Character and Cognitive Development: The root of growth will stem from social emotional building blocks, place based learning, active/creative play, inspired by Reggio Emilia philosophy . Our program will manifest a sense of resiliency and self-efficacy within all of our seedling students in order to set them up for success in kindergarten, our growing program, and most importantly life. Furthermore, students will learn to collaborate with others, develop relationships, and work towards resolving conflicts through active problem solving.
Ambassadors for the Earth: Often we forget how important nature is, and how involved it is in our everyday lives. We are deeply connected to the natural world and will instill that every day. People are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature, and when people become disconnected to something, it is hard to get them to try to save it. Our goal is to create the connection between our students and the diverse environment around us.
Community Focus: Community starts from within. As our Seedling program students become better acquainted with their peers and their team of educators, they can connect with the environmental community of Genesee Valley, including but not limited to the animal inhabitants of the Valley, the beautiful garden spaces, along with all the other free open spaces. Ultimately, Seedling students will work towards the further conceptual understanding that our very special Genesee Valley community is woven and connected to so many other communities that make up our great big world.
Risks/ Frustrations
Cold weather
While we constantly monitor for dangerous weather conditions(wind, having wet gear in the cold, lightning etc.), we LOVE being outside in winter and will spend most if not all of each day outdoors. Contrary to popular belief, being out in the cold does NOT cause illness; more about benefits of being outside in the cold here.
Putting on their own gear is a skill that can be taught, and makes all of the difference on whether or not our day will be successful. While we teach children how to put gear on at school, it is important to practice with them at home as well. Check out the layering guide here.
Why Choose Outdoor Educational Programs
Benefits/ Growth Opportunities
Build resilience:
Being outside in all weather, navigating all terrains and unpredictable environments, and doing hard things helps build resilience, which is a skill that will transfer on in life and future learning environments. Learn more!
Social Emotional Development:
Being outdoors provides opportunities for cooperative play and problem solving experiences that cannot be replicated in an indoor classroom.
Outdoor nature play helps children foster confidence, cooperation, and empathy as they collaborate and play with their peers, all while having fun!
Eye development:
Young children need to be outside, experiencing natural light and variances in light conditions for proper rod and cone development. Read more on nature’s effect on eye development here!
Cognitive development
Learning by doing, achieved through nature play is a crucial component in the growth and development of cognitive skills needed for lifelong learning. Learn more!
Improved Mental Health
Being out in nature provides a soothing, multi-sensory experience that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and provides a grounding experience, all of which promote improved mental health. Being outside also gets kids moving, which is huge in reducing ADHD symptoms and stress. Learn more!
We are a fully outdoor program, and we are out in rain, snow, mud, and sunshine!
Our educators are trained to monitor the weather conditions throughout the day, and to keep close watch on children to monitor for their preparedness with appropriate gear safety, comfort, and engagement.
Genesee Valley Seedlings utilize the Seedlings House as an indoor learning space when we have run out of dry clothes or need to retreat from dangerous weather conditions.
Genesee Valley provides healthy snack options. We ask families to pack their child a non refrigerated lunch.
Yes, your child will spend the majority if not the entire day outside exploring, learning and continuing to building their wonder!
We follow a child emergent curriculum that is based on the seasons. Our learning experiences are designed to address each child’s emotional, cognitive, physical, and social needs, while encouraging curiosity, fostering love of the natural world, and developing the whole child. Teachers serve as educational guides using a child-centered approach, while also maintaining process-oriented teaching objectives that include both content and developmental goals. Morning meeting routines in place will help preschoolers learn to sustain attention, ask questions, and learn about themselves and others, skills they will need in kindergarten and beyond.
We provide authentic learning experiences that incorporate, math, literacy, science and critical thinking. Young children learn best through play. Play is vital to the healthy growth and development of a child, and is the primary way in which children learn about the world and themselves. We provide meaningful opportunities for your child to experience learning through play and to develop problem solving, social, and language skills. -
YES! Providing extra clothes, socks and shoes are critical for all seasons!
Yes, children need to be toilet trained in order to attend. Because the program is almost entirely outdoors, there will not be a way to change diapers and our staff is not trained to do so. There are ample opportunities for children to use the bathroom throughout the day, and teachers give lots of reminders!